
Haiti Update No. 4

Haiti Update No. 4
Fre­quen­cies in use from Haiti are now believed to be: 14.300MHz, 14.265MHz, 7.045MHz , 7.065MHz, 7.265MHz, 3.720MHz, 3.977MHz and a 2m repeat­ed on 147.970MHz. The Inter­na­tion­al Radio Emer­gency Sup­port Coali­tion (IRESC) is also active on EchoLink node 278173.
Please keep clear of these fre­quen­cies even if you can­not hear any emer­gency traf­fic – sta­tions in the area are low pow­ered and may suf­fer inter­fer­ence. Some inter­est­ing news from the Radio Club Domini­cano (RCD) group in Face­book (Trans­la­tion by Ismael EA4FSI ):
Dur­ing the night of the tragedy, ama­teur radio oper­a­tors received a mes­sage from the Domini­can Red Cross, request­ing the use of an ama­teur radio repeater in order to estab­lish com­mu­ni­ca­tions between Haiti and the Domini­can Repub­lic. This repeater start­ed to oper­ate imme­di­ate­ly, with the assis­tance of Mr Joal Cle­to HI8RYF and Mr Angel Car­pio HI8ABC. Mr Joal Cle­to is now lead­ing anoth­er group installing addi­tion­al repeaters in order to improve the communications.
The Radio Club Domini­cano has sent com­mu­ni­ca­tion teams to the neigh­bour coun­try, in the hope of trans­mit­ting from the Domini­can Embassy Pétionville, in the fol­low­ing fre­quen­cies: 7.045, 7.065, 7.265 and 3.720 (rec­om­mend­ed for dis­as­ters by IARU) and the 2m repeater in 147.970.
The hams which will oper­ate the Radio Club Domini­cano sta­tion with call­sign HI8RCD/HH are: Ted­dy Jimenez HI3TEJ, Can­di­do Guzmán HI8CJG, Faus­to Alvara­do HI8FLB.
We would like to thank Mr. Goy­co, who offered the trans­port logis­tics to the neigh­bour coun­try, and INDOTEL for grant­i­ng the frequencies.
— Greg Mossop, G0DUB IARU Region 1 Emer­gency Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Co-Ordinator.

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