
Haiti Update No. 3

Haiti Update No. 3
Some sta­tus reports are now com­ing from Haiti but at the moment, no data regard­ing sur­vivors or any oth­er ‘Health and Wel­fare’ traf­fic is cur­rent­ly being passed.
Any­one try­ing to trace fam­i­ly or friends in Haiti should reg­is­ter their details with the Inter­na­tion­al Fed­er­a­tion of the Red Cross at:
The ICRC are co-oper­at­ing with the Hait­ian Red Cross Soci­ety and oth­er Red Cross/ Red Cres­cent soci­eties around the world to accel­er­ate the process of restor­ing con­tact between sep­a­rat­ed fam­i­ly members.
Fur­ther ama­teur radio sup­port is on its way to the island, Vic­tor Baez HI8VB, Sec­re­tary of the Radio Club Domini­cano (RCD) reports that the RCD with UDRA, Unión Domini­cana de Radio Afi­ciona­dos, are prepar­ing to go to Port au Prince ear­ly morn­ing of Fri­day Jan­u­ary 15 to install an emer­gency radio Com­mu­ni­ca­tions sta­tion, HI8RCD/HH, and a mobile station.
Vic­tor has a blog which hope­ful­ly he will update with more news from Haiti:
Some coun­tries in Region 1 have acti­vat­ed their own sta­tions to respond to the dis­as­ter, Jari Perk­iömä­ki OH6BG has pro­duced some prop­a­ga­tion pre­dic­tions for 40m and 20m assum­ing the trans­mit­ter has an out­put pow­er of 10 watts (very low pow­er) and a com­pro­mise antenna.
On all receiv­er sites on the map (there are hun­dreds of sim­i­lar receivers in a grid), it is assumed that there is an anten­na whose gain is equiv­a­lent to that of an 3‑element Yagi and is 55 ft (appr. 17 meters) above the ground. His pre­dic­tions can be down­loaded from: – 7Mhz prop­a­ga­tion predictions – 14MHz prop­a­ga­tion predictions
Alon­so EA3EPH has pro­duced an alter­na­tive MUF pre­dic­tion avail­able in Span­ish at:
Live feeds are avail­able on the inter­net from receivers bet­ter placed in Region 2 where any traf­fic can be mon­i­tored, these feeds are avail­able at:

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