
Haiti Earthquake — Please keep frequencies clear.

Haiti Earth­quake — Please keep fre­quen­cies clear.

Radio ama­teurs are request­ed to keep 7.045MHz and 3.720MHz clear for any emer­gency traf­fic result­ing from the Earth­quake which struck Haiti on 12th Jan­u­ary 2010 in case any Hait­ian hams man­age to get on the air, and in case of oth­er relat­ed events in sur­round­ing areas, includ­ing aftershocks.
Arnie Coro CO2KK, IARU-R2 Area C Emer­gency Coor­di­na­tor calls report­ed at 0245 UTC that they haven’t been able to com­mu­ni­cate with any radio ama­teur in Haiti but if there is pres­ence from ama­teurs from oth­er coun­tries in the area that also felt the tremor. We ask for your sup­port to keep these fre­quen­cies clear.
The fol­low­ing is from an e‑mail from CO2KK post­ed to the CQ/WorldRadio Online Newsroom:
A few min­utes after the earth­quake was felt in east­ern Cuba’s cities, the Cuban Fed­er­a­tion of Radio Ama­teurs Emer­gency Net was acti­vat­ed, with net con­trol sta­tions CO8WM and CO8RP locat­ed in the city of San­ti­a­go de Cuba, and in per­ma­nent con­tact with the Nation­al Seis­mol­o­gy Cen­ter of Cuba locat­ed in that city.
Sta­tions in the city of Bara­coa, in Guan­tanamo province, were also acti­vat­ed imme­di­ate­ly as the earth move­ments were felt even stronger there, due to its prox­im­i­ty to Haiti. CO8AZ and CO8AW went on the air imme­di­ate­ly , with CM8WAL fol­low­ing. At the ear­ly phase of the emer­gency, the pop­u­la­tion of the city of Bara­coa was evac­u­at­ed far away from the coast, as there was a pri­ma­ry alert of a pos­si­ble tsuna­mi event or of a heavy wave trains sequence impact­ing the coast line at the city’s sea wall …
Bara­coa could not con­tact San­ti­a­go de Cuba sta­tions on 40 meters due to long skip after 5 PM local time, so sev­er­al sta­tions in west­ern Cuba and one in the US State of Flori­da pro­vid­ed relays. CO2KK, as IARU Region II Area C Emer­gency Coor­di­na­tor, helped to orga­nize the nets , on 7045 kHz and also on 3720 kHz, while local nets in San­ti­a­go de Cuba and Bara­coa oper­at­ed on 2 meters.
As late as 9.45 PM local time 0245 UTC we have not been able to con­tact any ama­teur or emer­gency ser­vices sta­tions in Haiti.
Ama­teurs from the Domini­can Repub­lic, Puer­to Rico, Venezuela were mon­i­tor­ing the 40 meter band fre­quen­cy, that I noti­fied to the IARU Region II exec­u­tive Ramon San­toyo XE1KK as in use for the emer­gency, request­ing that 7045 kHz be kept as clear as possible …
We are still keep­ing watch on 7045 kHz hop­ing that some­one in Haiti may have access to a trans­ceiv­er and at least a car bat­tery to run it.
All infor­ma­tion that has so far come from the Cuban seis­mol­o­gists tell us of a very intense earth­quake, and also of the pos­si­bil­i­ty of oth­er events following.
Fol­low­ing the advice of the geo­physi­cists, we are keep­ing the 7045 and 3720 kilo­Hertz fre­quen­cies active until fur­ther notice.
— Ramon San­toyo V, XE1KK, Jim Lin­ton VK3PC and the CQ / Worl­dRa­dio Online Newsroom.

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