Chile Earthquake — Update 2
The following is a summary of the information received from Reinaldo Leandro President of IARU Region 2 and Jorge Sierra, LU1AS who is the Region 2 Area co-ordinator covering Chile.
Reinaldo talked by phone with Doctor Galdino Besomi CE3PG Radio Club de Chile (RCCH) president.
After the earthquake struck, an Emergency Net was activated across the whole country, first on VHF and then in HF. All the board of the Chile National Society and local club members are actively working in close coordination with civil and military authorities.
Three days after the earthquake the request for news about people in the affected countryside areas is one the main activity occupying the radio amateurs.
Jorge confirms that there are several frequencies in 40 meters receiving traffic to try and locate people from stations in Chile and Argentina.
They most activity is on 7050, 7060, 7088, 7095 and others and stations are monitoring these frequencies.
Almost all the traffic heard is related to locating people, but it is not easy to find them because the situation in the small towns near Santiago is very difficult, they don‘t have electricity, telephone lines or cell phones; emergency communications stations are running on batteries.
As you may have seen on news broadcasts, the airport at Santiago is again operative but with some restrictions. The government asked other countries in the region not to send help until they could review the situation and ask for their exact needs.
— Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman, IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee.
Chile Earthquake — Update 2
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