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Pre­sen­ta­tion mate­ri­als at the 12th R3 Con­fer­ence at Taipei, Feb. 2004

A Work­shop on “Imple­ment­ing the new Arti­cle 25” was held dur­ing the 12th IARU Region 3 Con­fer­ence at Taipei in Feb­ru­ary 2004.

The mes­sage from that workshop:

  1. The new Arti­cle 25 of the ITU Inter­na­tion­al Radio Reg­u­la­tions has been in force since July 2003 — so it is cur­rent NOW!
  2. Soci­eties should now be nego­ti­at­ing with their own admin­is­tra­tions to be sure that the best arrange­ments can be pro­vid­ed for the radio ama­teurs of their coun­try. This mat­ter deserves priority.

​The new Arti­cle 25 brings new oppor­tu­ni­ties for Ama­teur Radio. Your local reg­u­la­tions and local rules for ama­teur radio should reflect these opportunities.

These doc­u­ments were referred to dur­ing the workshop:

  1. RESOLUTION 03–1 of the IARU Admin­is­tra­tive Coun­cil.

    (Con­cern­ing the imple­men­ta­tion of the revised Arti­cle 25 of the inter­na­tion­al Radio Regulations.)

  2. A com­par­i­son between the text of Arti­cle 25 before the WRC-03 con­fer­ence with the textafter the WRC-03 con­fer­ence. This new text of the Inter­na­tion­al Radio Reg­u­la­tions is in force NOW.

    (This doc­u­ment shows the text of both the new Arti­cle 25 and the old. The new ver­sion lists the oppor­tu­ni­ties that are pos­si­ble NOW.)

  3. A study paper by Michael Owen VK3KI“Some Issues aris­ing from the Revi­sion of Arti­cle 25”.

    (Points to con­sid­er when seek­ing local reg­u­la­tion changes.)

  4. Doc­u­ment No. 04/XII/068 of the 12th IARU Region 3 Con­fer­ence: a paper from NZART:“Imple­ment­ing the “New” Arti­cle 25 in New Zealand”.

    (An exam­ple of how one coun­try is adopt­ing the new changes.)

  5. The cir­cu­lar let­ter from the IARU Region 3 Sec­re­tary, Cir­cu­lar No. G/08/03T dat­ed August 5, 2003 and its attach­ments.

    (This doc­u­ment is for ref­er­ence pur­pos­es. It records the work pri­or to and dur­ing the WRC-03 con­fer­ence on the issues of impor­tance to the Ama­teur Service.)


Soci­eties are rec­om­mend­ed to study these doc­u­ments, to plan their own strate­gies and to seek ear­ly changes to their local regulations.

Enquiries may be direct­ed to the Region 3 Sec­re­tari­at.

Print This Page Updated on February 1, 2020

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