Home (R3)News and EventsIARU Region 3 Conferences17th Triennial Conference of IARU Region 3 (Official Invitation)

17th Triennial Conference of IARU Region 3 (Official Invitation)


Cir­cu­lar No. G/03/18T

9th March 2018 


Liai­son Offi­cers of all IARU Region 3 Mem­ber Societies 






Direc­tors of IARU Region 3 



Sec­re­taries of IARU, IARU Region 1 and IARU Region 2 





Seoul, Korea

10–14 Sep­tem­ber 2018


Dear Colleagues: 

It is my great plea­sure to for­mal­ly invite your Soci­ety to par­tic­i­pate in the 17th. IARU Region 3 Con­fer­ence to be held in Seoul, Korea, from 10th. to 14th. Sep­tem­ber 2018. 

This Con­fer­ence is cor­dial­ly host­ed by the Kore­an Ama­teur Radio League (KARL).

Since the Con­fer­ence is the supreme author­i­ty of the IARU Region 3, each Mem­ber Soci­ety should par­tic­i­pate in it by all means pos­si­ble, to decide our future poli­cies for our admin­is­tra­tive, oper­a­tional and tech­ni­cal, and finan­cial mat­ters. As well we will elect our offi­cers for the next three-year period. 

1. DATE 

10th. Sep­tem­ber (Mon­day) at 09:00 local time to 14th. Sep­tem­ber (Fri­day), 2018 

Please note that 14th. Sep­tem­ber (Fri­day) is an excur­sion day. 

For pos­si­ble can­di­dates for elec­tion as IARU Region 3 Direc­tors, IARU Region 3 Direc­tors’ meet­ing is sched­uled on 7th. (Fri­day), 8th. (Sat­ur­day) and 15th. (Sat­ur­day) Sep­tem­ber. Exist­ing Direc­tors will attend the first two meet­ings. Those new­ly elect­ed to be Direc­tors for the next tri­en­ni­um are expect­ed to also par­tic­i­pate addi­tion­al­ly at the meet­ing on 15th. (Sat­ur­day) Sep­tem­ber after the Conference. 


Hotel PJ Myeong-Dong 

71 Mare­un­nae-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea 

Phone: +82 (0)2 2280 7007~8



Mr. Yong-Seok Choi HL3OB

Con­fer­ence Com­mit­tee Chairman 

Mobile:  +82 10 7436 5008 


Address: Kore­an Ama­teur Radio League (KARL)

1584 Chung­bu­dae-ro Cheoin-gu

Yon­gin, Gyeong­Gi 17144


Con­fer­ence web­site:


The ini­tial agen­da of the Con­fer­ence is attached for your consideration. 

(Attach­ment 1).

If your Soci­ety has mat­ters to raise that are not cov­ered in it, please advise me of your pro­posed agen­da items by return email or post. 

Dead line date: 1st June 2018


Mem­ber Soci­eties are cor­dial­ly invit­ed to sub­mit pro­pos­als, infor­ma­tion papers and reports, includ­ing those on the activ­i­ties of your Soci­ety in the past three years. 

Doc­u­ments are prefer­ably sent in elec­tron­ic form (MS Word file) using the Con­fer­ence doc­u­ment tem­plate (Attach­ment 2), and are to be sub­mit­ted to: 

< >

When lay­ing out the doc­u­ment for­mat, please use A4 (29.7cm x 21cm) size paper with 3 cm or more mar­gins on all four sides. For the first Title page, the Top Mar­gin should be 6 cm or more to allow for a Title Block. Please do not put page headers/footers.

Dead line date of your sub­mis­sion at the Sec­re­tari­at; 12th June 2018

Dis­patch date from the Sec­re­tari­at to your Soci­ety;  12th July 2018

Please note that sub­mis­sion doc­u­ments received will also be post­ed pro­gres­sive­ly on the IARU Region 3 web site, < >, in the lead up to the Con­fer­ence, and in lieu of phys­i­cal dispatching. 

Some extra details and infor­ma­tion about draft­ing your Soci­ety Report, and doc­u­ments in gen­er­al, are list­ed in “Sec­tion 11. NOTES” following. 


Please advise me of the details of your del­e­ga­tion (Del­e­gate and any Observer(s)) as soon as your del­e­ga­tion is formed. 

In form­ing a del­e­ga­tion and noti­fy­ing it to the Sec­re­tary, the noti­fi­ca­tion let­ter should be signed by TWO respon­si­ble offi­cers in your Soci­ety. (Claus­es 14 and 15 of the Constitution). 

Also, may I remind you that each Mem­ber Soci­ety that has paid all its sub­scrip­tions then due shall have one vote at Ple­nary Meet­ings of the Con­fer­ence. (Clause 14). 

The expens­es for all Soci­ety del­e­gates and observers are to be met either by the Soci­ety con­cerned, or the delegates/observers, and can­not be met from the IARU Region 3 funds. (Clause 14). 


All Mem­ber Soci­eties attend­ing the Con­fer­ence are request­ed to attend the Del­e­gate Meet­ing (a meet­ing of Del­e­gates) which is sched­uled to meet at the venue at 19:00 local time on 9th. Sep­tem­ber (Sun­day evening before the Con­fer­ence open­ing). (Para­graphs 5.3.1 to of the Gen­er­al Regulations) 


It is rec­og­nized that it is not pos­si­ble for all Mem­ber Soci­eties to send a Del­e­gate. In case your Soci­ety is unfor­tu­nate­ly not able to send a del­e­ga­tion, you should con­sid­er allo­cat­ing your vote by proxy to a Del­e­gate from anoth­er Mem­ber Soci­ety that is attend­ing the Con­fer­ence. This allows your Soci­ety to be rep­re­sent­ed at the Con­fer­ence, and for you to vote on any Con­fer­ence rec­om­men­da­tions and to take part in any elec­tion ballots. 

If you wish to allo­cate your proxy accord­ing to Clause 15, 17A, B, C and 18 of the IARU Region 3 Con­sti­tu­tion, then it is your respon­si­bil­i­ty to take the ini­tia­tive with ear­ly action. 

You should con­tact and agree with the Del­e­gate of the select­ed Mem­ber Soci­ety that he is will­ing to rep­re­sent you. You must keep in mind that your proxy is valu­able. It is best cast by a per­son in a Soci­ety that under­stands and is aware of your sit­u­a­tion. This includes your pri­or­i­ties and prob­lems, your views on IARU Region 3 affairs, and your econ­o­my and social issues. That Del­e­gate (or oth­er per­son) appoint­ed as your proxy should hold full vot­ing priv­i­leges in the select­ed Mem­ber Society. 

Writ­ten direc­tions for vot­ing may be pro­vid­ed to the proxy hold­er on key con­fer­ence agen­da items and issues that are impor­tant to you. 

The com­plet­ed sam­ple proxy form “Appoint­ment of Proxy” (Attach­ment 3) should be sent to the Sec­re­tary IARU Region 3, with a copy sent to the Del­e­gate of the Mem­ber Soci­ety select­ed to hold your Society’s proxy. The form must be signed by two respon­si­ble offi­cers of your Soci­ety and clear­ly show their names, call signs and posi­tions. The Sec­re­tary will con­firm receipt of the Form. Please fol­low-up if no con­fir­ma­tion is received with­in a rea­son­able time. 

If for any rea­son you do intend to send a del­e­gate to the Con­fer­ence at the last minute, please let the Sec­re­tary of IARU Region 3 know imme­di­ate­ly and I will with­draw the “Appoint­ment of Proxy”. 


In case your Soci­ety is intend­ing to offer to host the next IARU Region 3 Con­fer­ence, please read the attached “Guide­lines for Host­ing an IARU Region 3 Con­fer­ence”, in which all the items and require­ments are described for your con­sid­er­a­tion. (Attach­ment 4).


The fol­low­ing Gen­er­al Infor­ma­tion (GI) will be pro­vid­ed soon, direct­ly from KARL to all recip­i­ents of this For­mal Invitation. 

a)  Con­fer­ence Reg­is­tra­tion Form 

b)  Hotel room rates and reser­va­tion procedures 

c)  Visa and entry require­ments for Korea 

d)  Arrival, depar­ture and transportation 

e)  Local infor­ma­tion (Cli­mate, Cur­ren­cy and mon­ey exchange, Elec­tric­i­ty, Inter­net Access, etc.) 

f)  Partner’s program 

g)  Tourism information 

h)  Con­fer­ence spe­cial ama­teur sta­tion and vis­i­tor license 

i)  Oth­er items 


11–1. Soci­ety Tri­en­ni­al Report: When writ­ing your Soci­ety’s activ­i­ty report, it is request­ed that the fol­low­ing top­ics be covered: 

a)  Mem­ber­ship — Num­ber of transmitting/associate mem­bers, and sta­tis­tics show­ing mem­ber­ship fluc­tu­a­tions in recent years; 

b)  Rela­tion­ship with your Admin­is­tra­tion, WRC-19 prepa­ra­tion and imple­men­ta­tion, etc.; 

c)  Major events worth spe­cial men­tion, 7 MHz band expan­sion, 475 kHz allo­ca­tion, 5 MHz allo­ca­tion, etc.; 

d)  Ama­teur bands use in your coun­try includ­ing the band plans, and the (call­ing) fre­quen­cies for emer­gency com­mu­ni­ca­tions, espe­cial­ly in the 15, 17, 20, 40 and 80 meter bands, adopt­ed by your Society. 

11–2. If your Soci­ety will allow direct com­mu­ni­ca­tions with the author of a paper, please iden­ti­fy the author’s name, call sign and con­tact infor­ma­tion in that paper. 

11–3. In sub­mit­ting your papers, please note the fol­low­ing, to assist in under­stand­ing and smooth passage: 

a)  The con­tents should be con­cise as far as possible; 

b)  Please make clear the nature of the paper — report, infor­ma­tion, or pro­pos­al (amend­ment to the Constitution/General Reg­u­la­tions, rec­om­men­da­tion or resolution); 

c)  In the case of a rec­om­men­da­tion or res­o­lu­tion, please make this in a clear and con­cise form, able to be vot­ed on. It may con­sist of Con­sid­er­ing (Not­ing) parts and Rec­om­mend or Resolve parts. 

I am look­ing for­ward to hear­ing from your Soci­ety soon about your atten­dance, and sin­cere­ly hope to see you in Seoul, Korea. 

Sin­cere­ly yours, 

Ken Yamamo­to, JA1CJP 



attach­ment 1 Draft Agenda
attach­ment 2 Doc­u­ment Template
attach­ment 3 Proxy Form
attach­ment 4 Guide­lines for Host­ing Region 3 Conference

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