
R3 Newsletter Q3 2017

Edi­tor’s Note = A word from the Chair­man = Knowles, Robert Edgar; Bob, ZL1BAD SK = IARU Region 3 Direc­tors Meet­ing = IARU Admin­is­tra­tive Coun­cil address­es New Radio Spec­trum Pol­lu­tion Threat = IARU Region 1 looks to the future = IARU R3 attends the 2nd meet­ing of the APT Con­fer­ence Prepara­to­ry Group for WRC-19 = WIA: We’re invit­ed! = IARU Region 3 Direc­to­ry = Soci­ety Update Offi­cials and Con­tact Infor­ma­tion = Newslet­ter details 

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