
Emcomm support as US fires threat continues

For some time wild­fire has been burned in 11 states of north­west USA with
Wash­ing­ton begin among the worst hit.

There the Ama­teur Radio Emer­gency Ser­vice (ARES) and Radio Ama­teur Civil
Emer­gency Ser­vice (RACES) have sup­port­ed the com­mu­ni­ca­tion for a shelter
hous­ing evac­uees. The evac­u­a­tion has been order of the Fer­ry Coun­ty community
1000 residents.

Fer­ry Coun­ty ARES Emer­gency Coor­di­na­tor spokesman Sam Jenk­ins WA7EC said
the evac­u­a­tion cen­tre is expect­ing to oper­ate for sev­er­al weeks. Firefighters
are defend­ing it.

Although these are large fires, no deaths or injuries have so far been reported.

Fire­fight­ers from 27 US states and British Colum­bia in Cana­da are being supported
from Aus­tralia includ­ing those with Black Sat­ur­day bush­fire dis­as­ter experience.

The ARES and RACES radio ama­teurs respond­ing to the wild­fire emergencies
using emcomm on VHF repeaters, HF on 80m and 40m, includ­ing SSB and digital
modes, and IRLP.

— Jim Lin­ton VK3PC, Chair­man IARU Region 3 Dis­as­ter Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Committee.

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