
Newsletter Q1 2016

A word from the Chair­man = 2016 QRP Day — June 17 = IARU Pres­i­dent speaks on Emer­gency Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Ama­teur Radio = RAST April Meet­ing Report = South­east Asia Net (SEANET) to be reac­ti­vat­ed = Satel­lite pack­age car­ry­ing Ama­teur Radio pay­loads released into orbit from ISS = Japan­ese Ham Radio satel­lite launch = Elec­tion Com­mis­sion seeks sup­port from Radio Hams = Nepal has an IRLP enabled repeater — IARU Region 3 Direc­to­ry = Soci­ety Update Offi­cials and Con­tact Infor­ma­tion = Newslet­ter details 

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